An energy treatment is a gentle and natural approach to regain health that may be considered either in prevention or as part of a natural therapy (including accompaniment to conventional therapy). It is above all a powerful natural rebalancing of our energies on all levels of our existence: physical, mental, emotional and personal.
A treatment is recommended in the following situations:
'¢ Management of tiredness, stress, anxiety, and burnout
'¢ Physical pains up to handicap
'¢ Side effects of medical treatment (including chemotherapy)
'¢ Phobias or emotional disorders
'¢ Concentration and creativity
'¢ Let go
'¢ Self-confidence
'¢ Develop your intuition
'¢ Discover your hidden talents and choose your life
'¢ Health and well-being at work
'¢ Blocking situation on personal or business level
'¢ "Mindfulness" approach to regain vitality and serenity (organization of walks and resourcing stays)
'¢ Cardiac Coherence (use of the tool of the scientific Heartmath Institute)
Example of a human electromagnetic field analysis BEFORE (left side) and AFTER (right side) a bioenergy session :
Example of an analysis of the stress level, energy level and balance BEFORE (on top) and AFTER (below) a bioenergy session :
* Measurements taken with an electrophometer next generation